New edition, new dynamics

Enfants du Monde kicks off the 4th edition of its innovative project "Une Chanson pour l'Education", bringing together children from Switzerland and Burkina Faso. 12 schools in the two countries, each supported by a sponsoring artist, set about writing their own songs to defend the right to education for all.

Photo: © UneChanson

The "Une Chanson pour l'Education" (A Song for Education) project enables Swiss and Burkinabe pupils to show their interest and concern for the importance of quality education for all. 8 schools in 6 French-speaking cantons and 4 in Burkina Faso will take part in the 2015-2016 edition of "Une Chanson pour l'Education", each writing a song, recording it in the studio and producing it on stage. Each school will be supported by a sponsor. 8 Swiss singers - Fraissinet (Vaud), Carrousel (Jura), Aliose (Geneva), Pascal Rinaldi (Valais), Sébastien Peiry (Fribourg), Junior Tshaka (Neuchâtel), Thierry Romanens (Vaud) and Zedrus (Geneva) - and 4 artists from Burkina Faso - Alif Naaba, Patrick Kabré, Dicko Fils and Mai Lingani - will play this role.

These collaborations around the theme of education will culminate in major concerts in Switzerland and Burkina Faso in early 2016, as well as a 12-track CD compilation sold to benefit the Burkinabe schools supported by Enfants du Monde.

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