18th Espace 2 Schubertiade in Monthey

On September 7 and 8, 2013, Monthey will play host to Espace 2's 18th Schubertiade. A setting between the Rhône and the mountains to enchant the thousands of spectators expected at Switzerland's most popular classical music event.

Musical, festive and popular, Espace 2's Schubertiade brings together several thousand spectators every two years in different towns in French-speaking Switzerland. Created 35 years ago at the instigation of André Charlet, the Schubertiade helps to break down the barriers between classical music and the music of Schubert and, more broadly, three centuries of music.

This is the third time that the canton of Valais has hosted the event. After Sion in 1990 and Martigny in 2003, the 18th Schubertiade will take place in the town of Monthey, capital of the Chablais region, with 180 concerts given by some 1700 musicians and choir members at 20 venues in the heart of the town. The distances to be covered will be very short, making it possible to walk from one venue to the next.

This year's event is dominated by young talent. Starting with Fabien Girard, President of the event's Local Organizing Committee. An abundant mosaic, this "Montheysan of heart and soul" intensely reconciles music and politics. At 29, he has just been elected town councillor (culture and tourism), is head of Monthey Tourism and president of the Harmonie Municipale de Monthey. As a saxophonist, he breathes life into the cultural and musical life of his region. Proof of this is provided by Espace 2's Schubertiade, to which he has already offered joyful preludes in the form of musical events bearing the "En attendant Schubert" label. The next concert will take place at the Théâtre du Crochetan on March 17. 

Excellence, too, with the winners of the Clara Haskil Competition, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year at the heart of the Schubertiade: 17 first-prize winners take part in a veritable piano marathon.

Other highlights include a gala concert with the OSR conducted by Kazuki Yamada and Cheng Zhang at the piano. After Schubert's traditional German Mass, the Orchestre de la Suisse Italienne will close the event with an explosive program in homage to Schubert.

More info: www.schubertiade.ch, www.montheytourism.ch/schubertiade2013

Photo: www.schubertiade.ch

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