Tailor-made support for young talent

Pro Helvetia has launched its program to promote young artists. The aim of the Swiss Arts Council is to open the doors to a national and international career for young artists within five years of completing their training.

Ensemble Recherche" supports young Swiss composers. Photo: © M. Korbel

The biographies of many artists bear witness to this: the first milestones are set early on, and the years following training are decisive for the next stage of an artist's career. This is where Pro Helvetia's promotion of up-and-coming artists comes in, as part of the new law on the promotion of culture: the Arts Council supports the most talented Swiss artists up to the age of 35 in the five years following graduation from an art college or their first public appearance. In this way, Pro Helvetia aims to facilitate their entry into the professional artistic world and accompany them on their way to a national and international career. To this end, the Arts Council has developed a wide range of services in collaboration with experienced partner organizations, such as festivals, music ensembles and renowned universities in Switzerland and abroad.

A wide range of incentives
If young talent is to establish itself internationally as quickly as possible, individual measures tailored to their artistic development potential and market requirements are needed. To this end, support must be based on knowledge exchange and networking, as well as coaching and artist-in-residence programs. As part of the "Klassenarbeit" project, the "ensemble recherche", a music ensemble specializing in contemporary music in Freiburg im Breisgau, enables young Swiss composers to develop and perform new works.

For a detailed overview of all up-and-coming projects: www.prohelvetia.ch/Relève.

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