Applications for educational programs

From November 1, 2013 to January 31, 2014, young soloists and orchestral musicians from all over the world can apply to the Verbier Festival Academy, the Verbier Festival Orchestra and the Verbier Festival Music Camp. All online!

The Verbier Festival Orchestra. Photo: © AlinePaley

These three educational programs will welcome 200 musicians aged between 15 and 28 during the 21st edition of the Verbier Festival, from July 18 to August 3, 2014.

The Verbier Festival Academy welcomes promising young musicians destined for a solo career. Every year, some 50 pianists, violinists, violists and cellists, as well as selected string quartets and trios, come to Verbier to perfect their skills with internationally renowned teachers. Among the great masters invited in 2014 are Stephen Kovacevich, Menahem Pressler, Zakhar Bron, Yuri Bashmet, Frans Helmerson and Pinchas Zukerman.

The Verbier Festival Orchestra is the Festival's symphony orchestra in residence. For three weeks prior to the event, the 95 musicians from all over the world receive top-level orchestral training, provided by musicians from New York's Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. The Verbier Festival Orchestra then performs six concerts during the Festival, under the baton of Music Director Charles Dutoit and leading international conductors. In 2014, the young musicians will have the opportunity to work with Jaap van Zweden, Ivan Fischer, Daniel Harding and Yuri Temirkanov.

Following on from the Orchestras, Music Camp, launched in 2013, offers orchestral training to even younger musicians. Individual lessons, partials, orchestral rehearsals, public performances... the Music Camp is a veritable working laboratory designed to introduce the sixty budding musicians to the life of a professional orchestra in all its facets. Lessons are given by conductor Daniel Harding and former musicians of the Verbier Festival Orchestra.

As in 2012, applications will be made via the Acceptd online recruitment platform. This network of more than 350 American conservatories enables applicants to create a "profile" similar to social networking sites, and to apply for numerous programs offered by partner music schools. Applications can be personalized by adding cover letters, audition videos and audio recordings, depending on the program. To date, the Verbier Festival is the first European music institution to use this platform.

To apply:

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