More than 300 candidates

Over 300 young musicians aged 13 to 29 from 33 countries entered the 69th Geneva Piano & Flute Competition.

Photo: Concours de Genève

The 2014 edition is already looking promising: over 300 talented young musicians have applied, including 172 pianists from 22 countries and 130 flautists from 28 countries. Aged between 13 and 29, the candidates come from Europe, Asia, America and Africa. Asian participation was particularly strong, with 83 entries from South Korea and 43 from Japan. France (25 candidates) and Russia (24 candidates) are also well represented.

Pre-selections will take place from May 26 to 28 for flute and June 10 to 12 for piano. At the end of these, some 40 candidates will be selected for each discipline. Pre-selection results will be announced on Monday June 2 for the flute and Monday June 16 for the piano.

The Geneva International Music Competition celebrates its 75th Anniversary

Founded in 1939, the Geneva International Music Competition is one of the most important international music competitions. Its aim is to discover, promote and support young talent, giving them the tools they need to develop an international career.
The 69th edition runs from November 15 to December 5.

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