Novelties and classics

For its 2015-2016 season, the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande offers a musical journey between tradition and innovation. The great repertoire will be contrasted with two film-concerts on The Lord of the Rings.

Photo: Gregory Maillot

The OSR is banking on new features to appeal to a wider audience, with two film-concerts on the Lord of the Rings next season.

Two hundred musicians and singers will perform at Victoria Hall under the direction of Swiss film music specialist Ludwig Wicki. The other two parts of Tolkien's trilogy will be presented in forthcoming seasons, says Henk Swinnen, General Director of the OSR.

This 2015-2016 season will also take audiences on a journey from France to Russia, via Scandinavia, Germany, Austria and Bohemia, in the footsteps of the great European classical traditions.

This season is a little special in that it will take place without a Music Director. Indeed, Briton Jonathan Nott, appointed to the post last January, will only take up his duties in January 2017, while Estonian Neeme Järvi ends his tenure in September.

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