Meet Holliger
Les coups de Coeur d'Heinz Holliger: this is the name of the concert to be held on September 18 at the Studio Ernest Ansermet. It will be preceded by a talk with the artist.

One of the most renowned Swiss composers of his generation and a distinguished conductor, Heinz Holliger offers some of his favorites for this concert, and will conduct the Ensemble Contrechamps. Audiences will discover rarely heard works by composers as talented as they are discreet on the music scene.
Spanning the years 1963 to 1996, these works by Swiss composers Jacques Wildberger, Jürg Wyttenbach and Roland Moser, and Italian composer Niccolò Castiglioni, all reveal, in one way or another, a strong independence of spirit and a taste for extreme musical situations manifested in unusual instrumental devices. This program constitutes a kind of photographic image of other ways of conceiving music, at a time when the dominant currents were running out of steam. The ranks of Contrechamps will be enlarged by students from the HEM, to meet the specific needs of these unusual orchestrations. Committed interpretations will bring out all the subtleties of these works.
Mediation and encounter
Works of contemporary music can intrigue, fascinate, disturb, annoy or simply raise questions. Contrechamps is committed to reaching out to audiences and answering their questions. Joëlle Mauris, in charge of outreach, is available to the audience at intermission and after the concert.
As part of the concert Les coups de Cœur d'Heinz Holliger, Contrechamps offers a pre-concert talk with Heinz Holliger at 6:45 pm.
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