Beatocello has passed away

Doctor and cellist Beat Richner, nicknamed "Beatocello", died on September 9 after a serious illness.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Beat Richner leaves behind a legacy of successful and enduring achievements that compel admiration. He was already a renowned pediatrician, cellist and musical clown when, 27 years ago, he decided to heed the call of Cambodia's King Norodom Sihanouk to rebuild the Kantha Bopha Children's Hospital, devastated by the Khmer Rouge.

Since 1991, with tireless effort, he has built and expanded Children's Hospitals in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, and implemented a new, almost revolutionary approach to medical aid in poor countries: free, effective medical care for all. A staunch defender of high-quality paediatric medicine, he has fiercely opposed the World Health Organization, which has criticized his practice as "Rolls Royce medicine in Third World countries".

Dr. Richner frequently returned to Switzerland to give cello concerts and raise funds. Thanks to the generosity of the Swiss people, he has been able to care for millions of children. Beat Richner was the first to be crowned "Swiss of the Year", in 2002, and is recognized as our country's leading humanitarian ambassador.

Hospital continuity
Due to his illness, Dr Richner has made arrangements for his hospitals to function without him. The training of Cambodian doctors continues to be supported by the University of Zurich. Hospitals in Cambodia are departments of the local Ministry of Health and have the status of university clinics.


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