A day for music teachers and researchers

What questions are practitioners asking in terms of research?
What questions are researchers asking in terms of practice?

The Rencontres romandes de recherche en éducation musicale are organizing a day of meetings and exchanges between teachers and researchers on March 5, 2013 at the HEP Fribourg.
This day is part of a long-term approach. Practical projects may find a research perspective, and research projects may find a field for development. It follows on from a first day of meetings held in March 2012.

This includes instrumental and musical education (music schools, conservatories or music colleges), as well as public school music education. Teachers, music educators and music schools will find material for pedagogical development, and will be able to share concerns requiring a research dimension. Researchers will be able to find situations in which they can place and compare their research.

The program for the March 5 event has not yet been defined. It is possible to register to submit a proposal.

Find out more: www.asrrem.ch/asrrem/JEPC.html

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