Multiple modernities

The Multimod Performer - Composer Festival will take place from November 3 to 6, 2016 at the Haute Ecole de Musique de Genève (HEM-GE) with the ambition of highlighting contemporary composer-performers from the perspective of "multiple modernities".

Wu Man. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Over the course of four days, the festival will welcome a wide range of composer-performers from all over the world, offering concerts, workshops and lectures.This free festival is aimed not only at students, artists and professionals, but also at the general public interested in discovering contemporary music from here and abroad.

An alliance sealed to last
To launch this first edition, the HEM and the Aga Khan Music Initiative (AKMI) are joining forces to program the opening day on November 3. The day will kick off with a workshop entitled "From Local Talent to Global Connections: cultural development work of the Aga Khan Music Initiative", led by director Fairouz Nishanova and ethnomusicologist Theodore Levin.This is followed by the opening concert "Contemporary Music from the Ends of the Silk Route", a unique artistic encounter between Chinese pipa virtuoso Wu Man and an ensemble of musicians from East and West, led by Syrian composer-saxophonist Basel Rajoub. An exceptional musical moment traversing contemporary musical cultures from Syria to China, inspired by the centuries-old musical migrations of the "Silk Road" and blending traditions, contemporary arrangements, improvisation and new compositions.

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