Philippe Savoy, Fribourg site manager

Philippe Savoy has been appointed as the new Director of the Fribourg site of the HEMU Vaud Valais Fribourg. He succeeds Jean-Pierre Chollet, who will retire on August 31, 2019.

Photo: HEMU

Fribourg-born Philippe Savoy completed his advanced musical training in Zurich, Sion and Fribourg, obtaining his saxophone concert diploma, choral conducting diploma and wind ensemble conducting diploma respectively. He has 22 years' teaching experience (at music school level) and 19 years' experience in choral conducting (notably as director of the Chœur St-Michel de Fribourg) and instrumental conducting. As a saxophonist, he has played in numerous orchestras and chamber music ensembles, and as a soloist. Philippe Savoy has performed on five continents. He has a long-standing commitment to associations (notably as President of the Fédération Fribourgeoise des Chorales), institutions (President of the Senate of the University of Fribourg) and politics, as well as an in-depth knowledge of the Swiss musical scene.
The HEMU-CL Foundation Board has therefore entrusted him with the management of the HEMU Fribourg site, which has around 70 students (Bachelor and Master), with a specialization in wind instruments and vocal art. Philippe Savoy will take up his new position gradually from March, and then at 80 % from September 2019.
The HEMU-CL would like to thank Jean-Pierre Chollet in advance for his remarkable work during his 10 years as director of the Fribourg site. He has made a major contribution to the development of the HEMU Vaud Valais Fribourg both academically and artistically, and to the excellence of its professional teaching, thanks in particular to his close collaboration with the teaching staff and his attention to students' needs.


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