Jauslin quits OFC

Jean-Frédéric Jauslin leaves the Federal Office of Culture (FOC). The Federal Council has appointed him ambassador to UNESCO and the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.

The Federal Office of Culture (FOC) will be looking for a new director. The 58-year-old Neuchâtel native will take up his new post in Paris on September 1, representing Switzerland at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the French-speaking world.

Jean-Jacques de Dardel, currently Swiss ambassador in Paris, will take over as interim OFC director. The position of OFC Director will be put out to tender and will probably be filled by August 2013.

Jean-Frédéric Jauslin, a native of Le Locle (NE), had held this position since April 2005. Prior to this, he headed the Swiss National Library for fifteen years. As head of the OFC, he was responsible for the successful implementation of the law on the promotion of culture. His training did not predestine him for a career in the cultural sector: he is originally a mathematician and computer scientist. Before heading the national library, he worked in the IT sector for various companies.


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