Petition for the licence fee

A petition asks parliamentarians not to abolish the private copy levy, which brings in 13 million francs a year for artists.

Royalties collected on MP3 players are distributed to artists.

A petition asks parliamentarians not to abolish the private copy levy, which brings in 13 million francs a year for artists.

The liberal-radical party has tabled a parliamentary initiative calling for the abolition of the private copy levy. If it succeeds, authors' societies such as Suisa, SSA and SUISSIMAGE will no longer be able to pay out the 13 million Swiss francs they distribute annually to authors, composers, directors, performers, publishers and producers.

Artists, their professional associations and copyright societies object to the fact that the FDP rewards powerful multinational technology companies such as Apple or Samsung, to the detriment of those who create and perform works.

A petition has been created for the members of parliament who sit on the committee responsible for handling this case. It can be signed online at the following link:

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