Valais music schools under threat

Music education is under threat in the Valais, according to the Association valaisanne des écoles de musique, which has launched a petition on the Internet.

Photo: The Cantonal Conservatory Orchestra

The Valais cantonal government is proposing to reduce the subsidies allocated to the three music schools it recognizes: the cantonal conservatory, the Allgemeine Musikschule Oberwallis and the Ecole de jazz et de musique actuelle du Valais. According to the consultation draft, the cantonal budget would be reduced from the current CHF 3.5 million to CHF 2.215 million, representing a cut of 37%. At present, however, there is no guarantee that the communes are prepared to compensate for this loss.

At the same time, the Department of Health, Social Affairs and Culture is putting out for consultation a draft amendment to the Law on the Promotion of Culture, proposing a contribution to costs, taken into account for subsidies, capped at 20% for the State and 20% for the communes, explicitly stating that it will be up to parents to bear an increase in school fees of up to 60%. In the association's view, higher tuition fees would lead to a disaffection of the 4,500 students currently enrolled. It therefore fears for the very survival of these three schools, despite the fact that in 2012 the Valais people accepted the constitutional article on music education by almost 70 %.

In the petition it has launched on the Internet, the AEM-VS strongly urges the Conseil d'Etat to reconsider its position, respecting the conclusions of the extra-parliamentary commission, and to allow the 215 teachers concerned to continue fulfilling their mission in the service of Valais youth with enthusiasm and competence.

The online petition:é-et-accessible-en-valais

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