Center Pédagogique Romand SSPM/Kalaidos In collaboration with Hug Musique: Visit to the Grotrian-Steinweg and Schimmel factory in Braunschweig


Thanks to the support of Hug Musique, we are privileged to be able to visit the piano factories of Grotrian-Steinweg and Schimmel in Braunschweig.
Dates: September 16-18, 2018
Timetable: Sunday September 16, departure from Zürich airport 18:35, arrival in Hannover 19:50, return Tuesday September 18, departure from Hannover airport 14:55, arrival in Zürich 16:15.
Program :
September 16: departure Zürich arrival Hannover, bus transfer to Braunschweig, Hotel Magni Boutique (
September 17, morning: visit to the Grotrian-Steinweg factory/lunch together/afternoon: guided tour of Braunschweig's Old Town/evening: free time, optional lunch together.
September 18, morning: visit to Schimmel factory/lunch together/then transfer to Hannover airport, return to Zurich.
Costs: CHF 650.00, including: round-trip Swiss flight Zürich-Hannover/2 nights at Hotel Magni boutique/all transfers/2 lunches/guided tour of Braunschweig (Monday evening meal not included). The trip will be accompanied by Armando Piguet, Hug Musique Lausanne and Daniel Rimensberger, Musik Hug Zürich.
Languages spoken: German, French.
This trip is open to: all Kalaidos/SSPM professional musicians and students.
Registration deadline: May 15, 2018, (limited number of participants).
Registration with Lorris Sevhonkian, CPR Kalaidos/SSPM Director: or 079 228 16 04

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