Delegates' Meeting 2020

Due to the COVID-19 situation, the annual meeting of delegates had to be held by correspondence for the first time in SSPM history. In addition to the usual statutory business, a reorganization of the Delegates' Meeting and the Presidents' Conference was put to the vote.


The most important item on the agenda of this year's Delegates' Meeting was certainly the proposal of the "Communication Structures" working group, which was formed on behalf of the 2019 AD. The proposal included, among other things, the reduction of the AD from 51 to 24 delegates and the possibility of holding two ordinary meetings per year. This is intended to shorten decision-making processes and, in particular, to intensify communication between the central association and the sections. The Presidents' Conference, now held twice a year, also pursues this objective. Finally, it was requested that the Central Committee should also be able to set up ad hoc and standing committees in addition to the working groups. The corresponding amendments to the articles of association were approved by a clear majority of delegates.
This year's Delegates' Meeting marked the end of the three-year election period, so all offices had to be filled. The following were chosen:
Central Committee: Annette Dannecker, Paola De Luca (co-chair), Lucas Bennett, Béatrice Villiger. Auditors: Florian Mall, Pino Masullo, Diane Pauvert (deputy). Member of the Board of Trustees of the Musique & Formation pension fund: Bettina Michaelis. Member of the Board of Trustees of the Swiss Youth Music Competition: Markus Hochuli. Member of the SON Foundation Board (Swiss Foundation for Young Orchestra Professionals): Paola De Luca. Member of the Zwyssighaus Foundation Board: Xavier Fässler.
The delegates also:
- New membership categories introduced for co-repetition and music mediation.
- The SSPM's representation on the Board of Trustees of the Musique et Formation pension fund has a mandate to ensure that this pension fund withdraws from fossil fuel investments in the medium term and replaces them with more sustainable investments.
- The deadline for inviting delegates to the Annual General Meeting has been shortened by one week (to two weeks), and the deadline for submitting candidatures has been shortened by one week to five weeks, while still allowing for the electronic submission of AGM documents.
- Approved a proposal from the Vaud section that information e-mails from the central secretariat should clearly indicate whether they originate from a section or from the central association.
- A proposal from the Aargau section was rejected, which would have enabled individual members to join the central association directly (i.e. without having to belong to a section as previously).
- Student fees reduced to CHF 25 at the request of the Bernese section.
- The next Delegates' Meeting will be held on March 27, 2021.

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