Search engine optimization tips

The association is currently undertaking various efforts to further improve the visibility of its platform for private music instruction "Leç" ( on the Internet. Users themselves can make an important contribution in this respect by filling in their profiles as fully as possible.

SSPM - For your profile to be recognized and "understood" by search engines like Google, it's important that it contains as much relevant information as possible about you and your teaching. For example, if the field under your profile photo and the "about me" field are not filled in, a search engine like Google will consider the profile in question to be an "empty page", which will have a negative effect on the site's ranking. At present, many profiles on the platform remain unfilled. For your profile to be found by search engines, it is very important that you fill in the following fields:

1. Box under background image: Describe your course offer as precisely as possible. Search engines recognize keywords such as "piano courses", "piano lessons", locations, etc., so it's important to be as precise as possible.

2. "About me": a brief curriculum vitae will suffice, but also describe here what is particularly important to you in teaching and/or what particularly characterizes your teaching.

What also makes our platform even more interesting for search engines is the blog with the "7 questions" interviews on "Leç". All users are invited to participate - you can answer the seven questions at and attach a photo of yourself. As we upload more and more contributions to the blog, we'll link your interview to your pro-fil and vice versa, making your teaching offer more visible.

If you have any questions, please send them to :

You will also find illustrated instructions onçons-de-musique

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