Number 1_2/2023

"Renewal" is the theme of our first issue, with a new layout by Harriet Messing. We'll be exploring departures to new horizons, as well as the question of the role music can play in times of social upheaval. On the cover: Mario Batkovic, photographed by Holger Jacob.

RMS 1_2/2023 cover page.



"They forced my hand". Interview with Mario Batkovic

The guitar in four centuries of renewal - The modernity of the instrument according to Silvia Cignoli and Elena Casoli

Renewal or rupture? - What possibilities does multimedia offer composers?

Women sing in search of freedom - The revival of Iranian women's voices

The music can be loud or soft, but always insistent! - A plea


(italics = French summary of the original German article)



New publications, books, records, scores



Empowering: Höchstleistungen ohne Überbelastung - Symposium in Luzern

"Shared creation" - A cultural mediation program from the Lire et Ecrire association

Hopkinson Smith - "bringing music to life

Experimentieren als Programm - 2. Ausgabe von Sonic Matter in Zürich

Feines Gespür für das Zusammenspiel - Zum Tod des Schweizer Dirigenten und Komponisten Jost Meier (1939 - 2022)

Radio Francesco - Mushrooms

Chatten über ... Transformationsprojekte

Carte blanche to Nina Rindlisbacher



Artikel und Nachrichten aus den Musikverbänden

Federal Society of Orchestras (SFO)

Conference of Swiss Music Schools (CHEMS)

Kalaidos Haute Ecole de Musique

Swiss Music Council (CSM)


Swiss Association of Music Medicine (SMM)

Swiss Society of Musicology (SSM)

Swiss Union of Musician Artists (USDAM)

Swiss Society for Music Pedagogy (SSPM)


Swiss Youth Music Competition (CSJM)

Arosa Kultur


Swiss Association of Music Schools (ASEM)


The riddle by Thomas Meyer



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