Specialist areas within the SSPM

One of the important tasks of a music pedagogy association is to offer members of the various disciplines a structure within the association that enables them to network and exchange views on issues specific to their discipline. This structure needs to be rebuilt within the SSPM.

In the days when the SSPM still offered private vocational training, specific issues were discussed within the Vocational Training Commission, and there were specialist groups who supported the commission in this area and organized conferences. Unfortunately, this structure was transferred to ASPM/Kalaidos along with vocational training. It now needs to be rebuilt.
The following specialist areas are initially planned: Keyboards, Strings, Wind instruments, Singing, Plucked instruments, Percussion, Pop/Jazz.

Each specialist area is headed by a presidency who, along with two to four colleagues, makes up domain management. All SSPM members in a field together form a departmentThe task of the chairmen is to plan and lead the meetings of the specialist area managers, who in turn are responsible for discussing the activities they wish to offer to department members, organizing and carrying them out on their own or in collaboration with a section, or finding answers to specific questions put to them by the central committee, such as: "Should violists automatically be allowed to offer violin lessons on mein-musikunterricht.ch, or what additional qualifications do they need to justify doing so? Meetings can be held face-to-face or online. Chairmen and department heads are compensated by an attendance fee.

In terms of content
Domain management can organize a departmental convention or a congress. Or perhaps a round table is more appropriate. They can work with the department to draw up a list of teaching materials or specialized literature to be made available to all members. Or they may want to organize tandem courses and collegial supervision. Anything is possible.

We are looking for committed, interested colleagues with ideas, teamwork and organizational skills, who would like to become involved in the management of specialized fields. If you feel that you can contribute to the advancement of the SSPM in your specialty, or if you have any questions in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact me at marianne.waelchli@smpv.ch or 077 495 75 20. A presidency has already been found for strings, and there are already three people in charge of singing. I'm still contacting colleagues, but I hope you'll have the courage to declare your interest in such a position!

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