Threat to wage protection

Contractual relations with the EU are of great importance to Switzerland. In May 2021, however, the Federal Council declared that negotiations for a framework agreement had failed.

A framework agreement between Switzerland and the EU is also of fundamental interest to musicians. If relations were to be frozen, it would be difficult for Swiss musicians to study at European schools or look for a job in an EU country.

Exploratory talks with the EU

The end of the disgraceful status of seasonal workers and the introduction of the free movement of persons with effective accompanying measures were important steps for which the unions fought. The 2018 framework agreement, on the other hand, would have undermined wage protection and public services. This is why the Swiss Trade Union Confederation (USS) voted against it. The EU had been insisting on signing the agreement since 2019. When further negotiations failed to produce the changes demanded by the Swiss side, the Federal Council unilaterally put an end to the talks. Subsequently, the Federal Council decided to start again from scratch on this file and to engage in exploratory discussions with the EU. The way these discussions have developed so far is worrying. The USS is sounding the alarm. At its Delegates' Meeting, it asserted that wage protection is a prerequisite for opening up to the European Union to the benefit of workers. In talks with the Federal Council, employers and the Federal Administration, it therefore undertook to find solutions to problems relating to wage protection. Apart from some deterioration in the current situation, no firm commitments are currently on the table. Swiss working conditions and the public service are under threat. Accompanying measures must be improved, not weakened.

A resolution of the Delegates' Meeting

At its Delegates' Meeting, the USS adopted a resolution highlighting the following points, among others:

  • The USS is committed to a social and open Switzerland, and recognizes the importance of the European Union for peaceful development and cooperation in Europe. It fundamentally supports openness towards the EU.
  • Wage protection and public services are not guaranteed. This is all the more dangerous as there are forces in Switzerland who are using the discussions with the EU to push through their liberalization programs.
  • As far as wage protection is concerned, both the joint application of CLAs and important instruments such as the blocking of services and the bond are not bindingly safeguarded. Wage protection has become more difficult in recent years with the proliferation of subcontracting and temporary work. The basis of Swiss collective bargaining agreements is gradually being eroded. Temporary workers still have fewer rights than permanent employees.
  • The USS is a priori in favor of adopting the Citizenship Directive, i.e. the free resolution. This would improve the legal status of employees throughout the EU.
  • The USS rejects the adoption of European regulations on business expenses, as well as the total opening up of the electricity and public transport markets.
  • The conclusion of an agreement in the field of public health would be positive for Switzerland, but should not lead to a reduction in public subsidies in the healthcare sector.
  • The USS supports cohesion contributions to the EU. These contributions could also be increased. They represent an important instrument of solidarity for reducing income disparities in Europe. It would also be good news if the suspended cooperation projects between Switzerland and the EU were quickly reactivated. Switzerland and the EU have a considerable common interest in close cooperation in research, culture and education.

For the USS, it is clear that a negotiating mandate from the Federal Council must contain the above-mentioned points.

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