Learning to lead innovatively

Since 2021, future music school directors have been able to train and perfect their skills at the Lucerne University of Music (HSLU). In cooperation with ASEM, they can obtain the "ASEM Music School Director" diploma.

How do you write a business plan? How does the cultural sector work? How will music education evolve? Those taking part in this on-the-job training course, offered by an interdisciplinary team of professors from various HSLU departments (music, economics, design and art) and other specialists, receive well-founded information on the practice of directing and teaching. "We've had some very good experiences with this interdisciplinary approach," notes Head of Studies Andrea Kumpe. "The students benefit from the exchange and acquire in-depth know-how.

The program consists of the DAS Kultur- und Bildungsinstitutionen leiten (basic module), and two CAS programs to choose from. The "CAS Praxistools für die Leitung von Musikschulen" focuses on aspects of leadership and innovation in relation to music schools. Personal leadership style is studied and refined in workshops, in various exchange structures and in the form of individual coaching. The "CAS Musiklernen neu gedacht" focuses on the analysis of current and future music education. Students learn and test innovative and creative techniques, and discuss future trends in (music) pedagogy and digitization.

The title of ASEM music school director is awarded after completion of the DAS and one of the two CAS - the first students in this course of study will receive their diploma in spring 2024. The second edition has already begun with fifteen participants.

The "ASEM Music School Director" diploma can be obtained not only in Lucerne, but also in Berne. To find out more, please visit our site.

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