Delegates' Meeting

Current situation and outlook - The cantonal representatives met in November for the Delegates' Meeting. Among the topics on the agenda were exchanges between the cantons and the association's 50th anniversary in 2025.

Delegates' Meeting, November 24, 2023 (Photos: Margot Müller)

Philippe Krüttli, President of the association, welcomed those present and, in particular, Stéphanie Küffer Weber (canton of Valais) and Reto Inäbnit (canton of Berne) as new delegates. The budget and the multi-year objectives plan 2024 - 2028, which defines ASEM's tasks and projects - from talent development and networking to digitization and statistics - were unanimously approved. 

Message culture 2025-2028 and Jeunes Talents Music

La phase de consultation sur le Message culture 2025- 2028 a pris fin le 22 septembre dernier. L’ASEM a rédigé à cette occasion une réponse détaillée, sur laquelle Philippe Krüttli est revenu lors de l’AD. La réponse intégrale est disponible ici:

Work is continuing on the "Jeunes Talents Musique" program. Sixteen cantons have already received financial support from the Federal Office of Culture to launch the process. The following cantons have already signed a service agreement:

  • Bern
  • Lucerne
  • Nidwalden
  • St. Gallen 
  • Vaud
  • Zurich

Some cantons are on the verge of obtaining the service agreement, while several others are in the process of negotiating.

ASEM will publish the cantonal "Jeunes Talents Musique" programs on its website as soon as they have been approved by the Federal Office of Culture.

Cooperation between cantons

The ASEM Board is calling on the cantons to collaborate on two projects. Firstly, it is seeking representation from the cantonal associations for the Statistics 2025 working group, which is responsible for gathering detailed information from the cantons.

The cantons are also invited to contribute to the digitization concept. The concept will be made available to music schools in digital, dynamic form, and will be presented to a sounding board made up of specialists from the world of music schools (directors or teachers with digital skills).

ASEM contact with cantonal associations

There are currently two regional conferences attended by managers and other interested parties from several cantons for the purposes of exchange and further training: the Central Switzerland Regional Conference and the French-speaking Conference. The committee has proposed that it should no longer initiate conferences itself, but instead encourage regular contact between committee members and the cantonal associations. This proposal was approved by the delegates.

News from the cantons

Information from the cantons is an important item on the agenda of delegates' meetings. Several delegates reported on the progress of the "Jeunes Talents Musique" incentive program, as well as on cantonal music school laws that are in the planning or consultation phase, or have recently been passed. The discussions highlighted the diversity of the music school landscape in Switzerland.

Jubilee 2025

In two years' time, the Swiss Association of Music Schools will be celebrating its 50th anniversary.e anniversary. This will be a good opportunity to draw public attention to the music schools. In summer/autumn 2025, a radio tour through all the cantons is planned, in collaboration with the Pestalozzi Children's Village. In January 2024, the cantonal associations will be invited to nominate music schools. This colorful musical tour will conclude on November 21, 2025 with a celebration in Berne.

Professional profile

Finally, committee members Christian Braun and Philippe Müller presented the newly revised professional profile of "music teacher", thanking the members of the enlarged working group who were present. The work, they stressed, had been very intense but fruitful. The result is a new, forward-looking reference document for this varied profession ((hier verlinken)), which can serve as an instrument for both school development and political work.

Members of the "professional profile" working group, from left to right: Adrian Meyer, Beat Hofstetter, Lionel Zürcher, Marcel Blanchard, Céline Shuler

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