Open discussions at the Delegates' Meeting
The biannual meeting offers delegates from all regions of Switzerland and Liechtenstein the opportunity to discuss topics relating to music education and to obtain information from the cantons. The presidents of the cantonal associations were also invited to the June 7 meeting, enabling an in-depth exchange of views.
Message culture 2025 - 2028
One of the main items on the agenda was the consultation on the Culture Message 2025-2028, for which ASEM had drafted a detailed response. President Philippe Krüttli gave an overview of the genesis and objectives of the new message, which will come into force in January 2025 following detailed deliberation in the Council of States and the National Council. In concrete terms, musical training will receive slightly less money from the Confederation.
Promoting music teaching in schools: meeting with the CDIP
Ever since Article 67a was enshrined in the Swiss Federal Constitution, ASEM has been committed to general, talent and basic music promotion in schools. While the Confederation has already taken the first steps in the first two areas with the "Youth and Music" and "Young Talent Music" programs, measures are still lacking in the area of basic support, i.e. music teaching in schools. According to ASEM, the quality of music teaching in state schools is a cause for concern. There are gaps in teacher training, the objectives set out in curricula are often not achieved, and collaboration with music schools is inadequate. Philippe Krüttli reported on an informal meeting in April 2024 between ASEM, the Swiss Music Council (CSM) and the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK). The main obstacle to far-reaching changes lies in cantonal sovereignty in matters of public education. Several delegates took the floor to share their experiences in their cantons.
Music school fees: article 12a LEC
Another political issue concerns article 12a of the law on the promotion of culture, which deals with music school fees. As responsibility for this lies with the cantons, implementation in this area is highly variable and often unsatisfactory. This question also gave rise to a lively discussion among the delegates, some of whom have been or are intensively involved in drafting cantonal laws on music schools.
Job renewal: a challenge
The shortage of qualified staff in music schools continues. ASEM has conducted a survey confirming this situation. It has set up a joint working group with the Conference of Swiss Music Schools (CHEMS), which will examine the problem and present initial proposals in autumn 2024.
Birthday in 2025
Pourson 50e anniversary, ASEM is planning a special event: from August to October 2025, a radio bus will visit music schools in 16 cantons (as things stand at present) to carry out radio broadcasts. Interested music schools or cantonal associations can still register at A preliminary overview will be provided at the next Music Education Forum, to be held in Baden in January 2025.
News from the cantons
Many people took the floor during the "cantonal reports". Adrian Meyer gave an update on the music school law in the canton of Schwyz: "For a long time, the dossier didn't really move forward - but last year, everything accelerated". The canton contacted the Schwyz Music Schools Association (VMSZ) and actively involved them in drafting the law. The referendum deadline still runs until the end of July, and implementation is scheduled for the 2025/2026 school year. The canton of St. Gallen has also taken the first steps towards a law on music schools. In May 2024, the government was officially tasked with drafting a corresponding text. Philipp Gisler, from the canton of Uri, gave an overview of the development of the ordinance relating to the new Education Act. This provides for cantonal contributions to teachers' salaries to be increased wherever possible. Jacques Hurni spoke about the new collective regulations for teachers in the canton of Vaud, which will come into force on January January 2024. Various other cantons provided information on the progress of the "Jeunes Talents Musique" program.
Philippe Krüttli was pleased to note: "People always say that things move so slowly in Switzerland, and yet the changes are clearly visible."
Impulsions in small groups
After a shared lunch, the delegates explored four themes in greater depth. Working in small groups, they discussed talent development, professional profiles and communication issues. It is interesting to note that many music schools are active on social media, and often create or free up percentages of posts specifically dedicated to this task.
In conclusion, the ASEM President thanked the participants, some of whom had travelled a very long way, and wished them strength and energy for their continued work on behalf of music education.
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