Dream horizons

Pianist Olivier Lattion presents a varied stroll through several stiles to the "easy pieces after Jules Verne".

Cover detail

We knew Olivier Lattion as a subtle pianist, but now we had to discover the composer. What a pleasant surprise! Showing great wisdom, Olivier Lattion waited until maturity to publish his first works, while so many others stammer on in pointless chatter. From the multicolored flowers of Debussy's gardens, to American minimalist and repetitive music, jazz, rock and even Messiaen, the composer has picked his way through everything to create a personal, profound, colorful and poetic music. The highly accomplished writing reveals a magnificent sense of development.

The first disc of this double album presents pieces for solo piano, performed by the composer himself. There is also a page for two pianos, played with his daughter Laetitia, a very passionate composition for piano and violin, with the help of Yvan Zerpa, while Gonzague Ruffieux, percussionist, joins the pianist for Karmawhich could be a tribute to Bartók.

Olivier Lattion hands over the piano stool to Daphné Widmer Fragnière, who plays with finesse, pearls and suspension in "twelve easy pieces after Jules Verne". These pedagogically-oriented pieces allow students to explore the full range of the instrument's potential, exploring delicate harmonies. Here's something to delight all piano teachers who want to get off the beaten track by offering youngsters music that enables them to tackle specific technical problems and marvellous colors in an intelligent way. Etienne Murith lends his talent to a beautiful Space Sonata listen with your eyes closed to fully appreciate all its subtleties.

The disc ends with a curiosity: a reprise of a previously heard work, A Silent Wood performed this time on a Fender Rhodes, already classified as a historic instrument, where we savor the unique 1970s sound that lends a magical aura to this meditative piece by Olivier Lattion.

An album? An almost initiatory stroll through dreamlike horizons.


Olivier Lattion: A Silent Wood. Olivier Lattion, piano and Fender Rhodes; Laetitia Lattion, Daphné Widmer Fragnière, Etienne Murith, piano; Yván Zerpa, violin; Gonzague Ruffieux, percussion. Double album. editions-rochebrune.com


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