Delegates' Meeting 2015

SSPM delegates met on March 28 at the Centre d'Accueil Paroissial (CAP) in Berne. The association took stock of an eventful 2014, set the next steps in the development of the SSPM's structures and direction, and elected a new member to the central committee.


Highlights of 2014: musical training, RMS, D-A-CH, Elvira-Lüthi-Wegmann Foundation auditions
The intense collaboration on the implementation of constitutional article 67a (musical training) continued in 2014. The SSPM is committed in the "Youth and Music" working group to ensuring that the constitutional mandate is not watered down. Critical monitoring and long-term lobbying will prove necessary in the future too. The SSPM notes with great satisfaction that the discontinuation of the printed edition of the RMS has been avoided. The Central Committee welcomes the magazine's integration into the NZZ specialist media group, and sees this as confirmation of its commitment to a print version. In addition, it was the SSPM's turn to organize the D-A-CH colloquium, which last year dealt with the theme of "music and talent". The generous support of the Winterthur Conservatory, where the colloquium was held, contributed greatly to the success of the event. Finally, the Elvira-Lüthi-Wegmann Foundation auditions, held on June 9 at the MaiHof in Lucerne, were also a great success.
Proposals for the debate on the structure and direction of the SSPM
Delegates set the course for further discussion on the direction and structures of the SSPM. The Committee proposed that the unanimous statements of the working groups and the 2014 Presidents' Conference be dealt with directly by the CC, so that concrete proposals for their implementation could be submitted to the 2015 Presidents' Conference. As for the controversial topics of management/quality control and USS affiliation, two working groups will be set up to look into these issues in greater depth. The corresponding CC proposals were approved by delegates. The working groups are now being formed.
One new Central Committee member and two honorary members
A new member was elected to the Central Committee in the person of Annette Dannecker (Graubünden and Zurich sections) who, last year and at her request, had already regularly attended CC meetings as a guest. In recognition of their meritorious commitment to private professional music training in Switzerland, Valentin Gloor, former Director of the ASMP and founding Rector of the Music Department at the Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, and Jakob Limacher, Director of the Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, were elected honorary members of the SSPM.
The Delegates' Meeting also:
- approved a 15-franc increase in the membership fee for 2016 to take account of membership growth and ensure adequate equity capital,
- unanimously adopted a resolution in favor of maintaining the Biel-Solothurn Symphony Orchestra (see below), and
-decided to support the Swiss Students' Union's (UNES) scholarship initiative by recommending its adoption (further information at
The next Delegates' Meeting will be held on Saturday, March 12, 2016 in Berne.


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