Legal protection for SSPM members

One of your private pupils regularly misses lessons without apologizing and doesn't pay for the hours missed? The music school suddenly stops paying your salary following your absence due to illness?

In anticipation of these and other situations, the Swiss Society for Music Pedagogy (SSPM), in collaboration with the DAS, has developed a tailor-made legal protection insurance solution.

Partial legal protection: insured benefits

For the modest sum of CHF 40 per year, you can insure your employment and contractual rights with the DAS. As a salaried teacher, the DAS will support you in the event of a dispute with your employer. If you work as a self-employed teacher, the DAS will also help you in the event of disagreements with your clients, e.g. your pupils or their parents.

When can DAS help you
help? A practical example

Ms. Meier is a piano teacher with a permanent job at the X music school. After three months' pregnancy, complications arise and her doctor prescribes that she take leave from work until the birth, and thus until the end of her maternity leave. After a month's absence due to the pregnancy, the music school hires a new piano teacher and dismisses Ms. Meier. She contacts the DAS. The legal protection insurance company contacts the music school and draws its attention to the fact that the dismissal is unlawful because of the pregnancy (a period during which the contract cannot be terminated). The DAS ensures that Ms Meier can assert her rights: the dismissal is deemed null and void, and Ms Meier receives her salary until the end of her maternity leave.

Full legal protection for SSPM members

Would you like to be covered not only professionally, but also extend your SSPM legal protection insurance to private and/or traffic matters? DAS offers you comprehensive protection at the SSPM's preferential rate.

Comprehensive legal protection: insured benefits

Combined private and traffic legal protection insurance is available for just CHF 196 instead of CHF 295. With this cover, you can benefit from the assistance of DAS's experienced and specialized lawyers: legal costs are fully covered up to CHF 250,000. What's more, DAS also defends your rights and covers your damages within the European Union (EU/EFTA). Depending on your needs, you can opt for private or traffic legal protection insurance, or take out combined coverage. Here are some explanations of these two insurance options:

Private legal protection

Does your landlord have a problem with your apartment? Does your accident insurance company refuse to cover the full cost of your skiing accident? The bag you ordered on the Internet doesn't match the model you chose, but the seller refuses to take it back? Whether it's tenancy law, employment law, patient law, contract law or insurance law: at DAS, you'll benefit from competent advice and comprehensive protection. As an SSPM member, your private insurance at DAS will cost you just 124 francs instead of 205.

Traffic legal protection

The car you've just bought is faulty before you've even had a chance to go for your first drive, yet the seller refuses to take responsibility for the damage? You've been fined after a traffic accident, but you don't think you were at fault? Here, too, the DAS comes into play. Whether you travel by car, bike, bus or train, or are a pedestrian, we can advise, assist and defend you until you win your rights. DAS traffic legal protection insurance is available for only CHF 102 instead of CHF 135.

More information on our website :


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