Our 125th anniversary celebration
The 125th anniversary of the Swiss Society for Music Pedagogy will be celebrated on September 15 in Olten. All members are cordially invited to this exceptional event.
We are pleased to present the program of festivities for September 15, which has been drawn up by the Jubilee Working Group. The festivities will take place at Olten's municipal theater, which, with its elegant and spacious halls, offers a dignified and ideal setting for concerts and lectures, as well as for discussions and personal meetings between colleagues.
The working group endeavored to create a highly diversified program, including catering options.
We would like to take this opportunity to extend our warmest thanks to the sections who will be enhancing the festivities with their own contributions, some of whom have pledged financial support.
Finally, we'd like to draw your attention to the jubilee musical logo designed by Pino Masullo to complement the graphic logo. It will shortly be posted on the SSPM website, and can also be downloaded as a ringtone.
Program for the jubilee celebration on 15.9.2018 :
12:00 Guests arrive
- Opening by co-presidents Annette Dannecker and Paola de Luca
- Milestones in the history of the SSPM with, among others, Lucas Bennett
- Talk by composer Regina Irman
- The SSPM today - with Annette Dannecker and Paola de Luca
- Contributed by Kalaidos Music
- Music Department, Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences
- Public debate "The future of music pedagogy" led by Andreas Müller-Crepon
- Musical reading with Pino Masullo (with ancient Italian instruments)
- Stage show with double bass
- Musical performance: Maison de la musique populaire
Various aperitifs, other contributions and a competition will be offered between these presentations. The program is subject to minor modifications.
In order for us to organize this event optimally, participants will need to register in advance. We therefore kindly ask you to send your definitive registration by May 21, 2018 to the central secretariat. Only those registered will be able to attend the party on September 15. Thank you for your understanding.
We're looking forward to your many registrations and to what promises to be an exciting day of festivities.