Delegates' Meeting 2021

For the first time, this year's Delegates' Meeting was reduced in size and held on the same day as the Section Presidents' Conference. Among other things, delegates were asked to vote on various amendments to the company's articles of association.

Lucas Bennett - After the 2020 Delegates' Meeting, implemented by correspondence, had been a novelty in the association's history, this year's meeting, held online for the first time, was marked by far-reaching structural revisions, which had been initiated in 2020: the reduction in membership from 51 to 24 delegates, and the holding of two regular meetings per year. The aim was to shorten decision-making processes and intensify exchanges between the central association and the sections. The Presidents' Conference, now held twice a year on the same day as the Delegates' Meeting, also pursues this objective.

Various amendments to the Articles of Association

No fewer than five amendments to the articles of association had been requested by the Central Committee from the delegates: one concerned the SSPM's annual contribution to the Swiss Academy of Music and Music Pedagogy (ASMP) as defined in the articles of association, and the receipt of its annual reports by the Delegates' Meeting. As the SSPM study courses have been completed, and the corresponding cooperation agreement terminated at the end of 2020, the purpose of these articles was no longer served; the delegates agreed to delete them from the Articles of Association.

In addition, permanent and project commissions have been included in the articles of association as bodies of the association. This change became necessary after last year's Delegates' Meeting approved the creation of such commissions.

In the light of last year's experience, the Central Committee had proposed to delegates that the possibility of holding a Delegates' Meeting and Presidents' Conference in written or electronic form be included in the statutes (to be implemented in writing in 2020 on the basis of the current Federal Ordinance COVID-19). Delegates unanimously approved this amendment for the Delegates' Meeting and Presidents' Conference, but added that this possibility was "limited to urgent and justified cases". The Central Committee was also instructed to propose to the next Delegates' Meeting a supplement enabling the section presidencies to agree on the form of execution of the Presidents' Conference. In any case, the organization of the Delegates' Meeting in presence should remain the rule, after the current situation linked to Covid-19. A round-table discussion on the digital format at the end of the meeting also showed that delegates would like to return to the face-to-face format as soon as possible.

Finally, another amendment to the Articles of Association concerned the Association's official communication channels. In the opinion of the Central Committee, clarification was needed in this respect, given the growing importance of digital channels. Delegates unanimously approved the list of official channels (Swiss Music Reviewwebsite, by letter and/or e-mail).

Five new members on the Central Committee

The election of Marianne Wälchli, President of the SSPM Berne Section, to the Central Committee was also unanimous. After a short vacancy period, the Committee now comprises the five members provided for in the Articles of Association.

More money for Internet visibility

As part of the budget discussion for 2021, delegates followed up on a request from Wolfgang Pailer (Winterthur/Thurgau sections) to significantly increase funding for search engine optimization of the mediation platform for private music lessons on the Internet (www.leç There was a broad consensus on the urgent need for rapid improvements. The budget was approved with this change, so that the central association can take increased action in this area.

New meeting format well received

Feedback from participants on the holding of the Presidents' Conference and Delegates' Meeting on the same day was positive. In order to provide optimum information to delegates who do not attend the previous Section Presidents' Conference, the Central Committee suggests that in future a brief summary of the PC topics be offered at the start of the Delegates' Meeting.

Delegates also approved :

The merger of the compensation funds for horticulturists and florists, carpenters and Verom to form the "Forte" compensation fund (in writing);

Leave membership fees unchanged for 2022.

The next Delegates' Meetings and Presidents' Conferences will be held on November 6, 2021 and March 26, 2022.

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