Changes to the SSPM editorial team

With this September issue, Lucas Bennett bids farewell to his role as editor of the SSPM pages.

Lucas Bennett - Dear readers, after 14 years of always interesting and content-rich work, I'm going to devote more time to my main profession as a musicologist. As my successor, the Central Committee has chosen Marianne Wälchli, member of the Central Committee and President of the SSPM Berne Section. She will be responsible for editing our association's pages from the November issue onwards. She will also represent the SSPM on the RMS editorial board. I wish Marianne every success and pleasure in her new job!

We would like to ask our sections and members to send their texts and other requests concerning the SSPM pages to Please note the editorial deadline for November and December below. Thank you very much!

I would like to thank the SSPM's members, sections, Central Committee and Central Secretariat for their good and often stimulating collaboration, and all our readers for the interest they have shown in our pages over the years.

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