Cantonal and national exchange
The ASEM cantonal delegations met in Olten on June 2, 2023 for their delegates' meeting.
President Philippe Krüttli reported on the progress of work in connection with the new Culture Message 2025-2028. Among other things, the ASEM Board would like to place particular emphasis on access to musical training and the Jeunes Talents Musique program for pre-school children and vocational school students. It is in contact with the Federal Office of Culture on this subject.
As far as the Jeunes Talents Musique program is concerned, many changes are already underway at Swiss level. By June, three quarters of the cantons had submitted a declaration of intent to the FOC, and four of them have already submitted a definitive concept. The first Swiss authorization was recently granted to the canton of Nidwalden.
Eva Crastan, Head of Public Affairs, initiated a discussion on the subject of regional conferences. Two intercantonal conferences are currently being organized, one in French-speaking Switzerland and the other in Central Switzerland. In Central Switzerland, the regional conference has been combined with the exchange meeting between the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences - Music and music schools. In this way, it serves both as a showcase and gateway to higher education and research circles, and as a cantonal exchange platform. The Conférence romande is informal in nature, taking place every December at a music school. Approximately half of the region's school directors take part in these two meetings. The ASEM Board is happy to provide organizational and administrative support to cantons wishing to set up such regional conferences.
Christian Braun presented the status of the digitalization concept. The aim of the discussion held at the last delegates' meeting is to provide music schools with a basis for developing their own strategies for digital transformation. Thomas Saxer then reported on the development of the project involving the two labels Quarte and Pre-college, whose structures will soon be harmonized, but not outsourced as initially envisaged.
Several delegates mentioned political processes underway in their cantons. In Aargau, for example, a cross-party motion calling for improved equal opportunities in music education was accepted in spring 2023. In Ticino, an initiative with similar demands was submitted with around 11,000 signatures. Among other things, the text calls for an increase in public contributions to reduce school fees, which are currently extremely high.
Finally, Regula Gehrig, director of the Reinach AG music school, was applauded as she received the certificate for the quality management label, which she had awarded to the School's new Open Label.
Photo: Anicia Kohler