Youth+Music program
The Youth+Music program supports music schools through music camps and special projects.

The program Youth+Music (J+M) program of the Swiss Federal Office of Culture aims to promote access to music for children and young people in a similar way to its counterpart, the Youth+Sport program. ASEM music schools can also benefit. In particular, J+M supports music courses and camps for children and young people aged 4 to 25, as well as initial and further training for instructors. Contributions are based on the number of participants. Calculation example: for a camp with 35 participants and six nights' accommodation that meets the conditions of the J+M program, i.e. at least 5 daily music lessons except on arrival and departure days, support amounts to CHF 4,950.
For each J+M camp or course, at least one of the team leaders must have completed a J+M instructor training course. The course consists of three modules and lasts six to seven days. Jeunesse+Musique covers up to 70% of the training costs.