Boosting saxophone teaching
Why keep reinventing the wheel - in this case, saxophone teaching? Matthias Tschopp, from the Zug School of Music, has set about creating a network of online and real-life contacts for saxophone teachers. To this end, he has started a podcast and a continuing education course. The aim: to learn from each other.

"As music teachers, we often work alone - if we were to collect all this teaching material, we'd discover a real treasure trove," explains Matthias Tschopp. That's why this jazz musician and music teacher - who claims, not without irony, that the baritone saxophone is indisputably the best of all instruments - published a book with his colleague Monica Boffo a practical guide to instrumental teaching.
Around two years ago, as his personal repertoire of methods and exercises continued to grow, he decided to launch a podcast entitled "Teaching Saxophone", and at the same time offer the "Sax Teacher Mastermind" continuing education course for saxophone teachers in the German-speaking region. Today, he publishes a new podcast every two weeks in which he interviews colleagues on specific topics. In addition, music teachers who have signed up for further training meet up every two weeks on Zoom to share their recipes and discuss their current concerns in order to "boost" their own teaching, in the words of Matthias Tschopp.
Podcaster - a new profession
During the pandemic at the latest, countless people were caught up in podcast fever, whether as listeners or producers. However, making a podcast is not an incidental task, as Matthias Tschopp has found out. He devotes half a day to a full day a week to it.
"It's a profession in itself, like a bottomless pit: you could always do more, even better, more creatively," he stresses. But the positive feedback he receives from members of the saxophone community gives him the energy to carry on, even if the work is not yet financially profitable.
In a recent episode, for example, he presented useful apps and tools, and spoke with colleague Mirjam Scherrer about teaching children of nursery school age. "It's amazing how much work is lost because most develop their own ideas on their own," he says. "Promoting exchanges has become my mission."
Sax Teacher Mastermind: intensive exchanges
Saxophone teachers who would like to benefit even more directly from Matthias Tschopp's work can register for the "Sax Teacher Mastermind" continuing education course. This gives them access to a platform with a wealth of material, as well as a question and answer forum, and every two weeks they can discuss concrete pedagogical issues by video call. In addition, a main theme is covered every month with the appropriate material.
"When someone asks a question that none of us has the answer to, it's up to me to do the research," says Matthias Tschopp. He reads up on certain subjects, prepares exercises and even occasionally creates a memory game with fingering cards. Participants support each other, give practical advice and share their experiences.
"I find this work for the podcast and for further education very rewarding," says Mathias Tschopp. He also picks up ideas and new material for his own teaching at the Zug School of Music.
Registration for next year's continuing education course (online) "Sax Teacher Mastermind are underway. Interested parties can register until the end of February.