
CHorama represents the interests of Swiss choirs and supports their activities. CHorama brings together forces to discuss important political and educational issues in the choral field, and to take concrete measures and implement them in partner associations.

Goals and activities
Networking among Swiss choral conductors (e.g. by holding a choral conductors' forum).
Networking of choral activities for children and young people, in particular by supporting the activities of the Swiss Association for the Promotion of Children's and Youth Choirs SKJF.
Exchange of information and invitations to events and training courses.
Seeking association-friendly publishing solutions from Suisa.
International relations (e.g. within the European Choral Association, Europa Cantat, IFCM and ACJ).

CHorama is a community of interests and does not function as an umbrella association. All partner associations are autonomous in their decisions, as long as they do not contravene CHorama decisions.
Each CHorama member can propose activities and themes of national importance. The commission decides whether or not to proceed with a proposal. It may appoint sub-committees for specific projects.