Three testimonials from a doctoral summer

What's the role of research during the summer? Doctoral students talk about their plans for the months ahead. Read it in three languages!

In Zurich, Lisa Brader is conducting phenomenological research on musical spatiality in the 20th century.e century. During the summer, she plans to take part in a writing workshop. In Fribourg, Consuelo Salvadori is studying the output of the composer Caroline Charrière, about whom a colloquium is in preparation. Finally, in Geneva, Raphael Eccel is working on a collection of Lieder from the 16e century, which he edited.

Read the testimonials below in German, Italian and French.

Lisa Brader, Zürich

Ich heisse Lisa Brader und habe im Jahr 2023 meinen PhD am Musikwissenschaftlichen Institut der Universität Zürich begonnen. Mein Projekt, welches von Prof. Inga Mai Groote betreut wird,
befasst sich mit Räumlichkeit in deutsch- und französischsprachigen musikphänomenologischen Texten des 20. Jahrhunderts.

Der Sommer ist für mich die Zeit, mich v.a. dem vertieften Studium meiner Primärquellen zu widmen, sodass ich im Herbst im Rahmen des wöchentlichen Kolloquiums an unserem Institut hoffentlich bereits einige Ergebnisse meines Projektes präsentieren kann. Ausserdem werde ich die Gelegenheit haben, die bei meiner Teilnahme an einem Writing Retreat in Montreux kürzlich gesammelten Erfahrungen im Zuge einer "Schreibwerkstatt" zu reflektieren. Dort hoffe ich auf einige Ratschläge zu meinem Schreibtypen und auf die Gelegenheit zum Austausch mit anderen PhD-StudentInnen. Schliesslich plane ich, an der Rezension eines kürzlich veröffentlichten Sammelbandes zum Thema Interpretation zu arbeiten.

Consuelo Salvadori, Friborgo

Mi chiamo Consuelo Salvadori e la mia tesi esplora la musica della compositrice friborghese Caroline Charrière (1960-2018). Nel giugno 2024, ho pubblicato il catalogo delle sue opere presso la Biblioteca cantonale e universitaria di Friborgo. Questo lista tutte le 199 composizioni di Charrière, gli arrangiamenti e gli schizzi, completando quello redatto dalla compositrice che ne comprendeva 153. 

Inoltre, mi sto dedicando al convegno Caroline Charrière: From commission to creation, previsto a Friborgo dal 3 al 4 ottobre. Faccio parte del comitato scientifico insieme a Beat Föllmi (Università di Strasburgo/CREAA), la mia relatrice Delphine Vincent (Università di Friborgo) e Viviane Waschbüsch (Università di Saint-Étienne/ECCLA). Tale convegno si inserisce in una prospettiva di studi di genere e di rivalutazione delle regioni considerate periferiche dalla storiografia, come la Svizzera. In questa occasione, mi interesserò a 40 years of voting e a 30 years of equality, brani emblematici della produzione femminista della compositrice. Charrière vi celebra infatti il suffragio femminile e la Legge federale sulla parità dei sessi.

Raphael Eccel, Geneva

My name is Raphael Eccel and I have been an assistant-doctoral student at the University of Geneva since 2022. My thesis, under the supervision of Professor Christoph Riedo, focuses on the collection of Lieder from the 16e century that belonged to the Basel humanist Bonifacius Amerbach (1495-1562). In particular, I examine how this anthology fits in with the German humanist movement, with which Amerbach was in close contact.

A large part of my work consists of transcribing the 119 pieces contained in the source so that I can analyze them and refer to them in my thesis. Having already transcribed the music, I'll spend my summer copying the texts, and also preparing a critical apparatus with a view to publishing a modern edition of this collection from 16e century. Ideally, the edition would be ready this autumn, and I could seek funding for its publication.

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