SONART - Swiss Music Association is the professional association for independent musicians in Switzerland. It represents the interests of freelance musicians in the music scene in particular, and in the cultural field in general.
SONART strives to ensure that the artistic activities of authors, composers, performers and producers are recognized for their true worth.

The ASM archives

Prior to its merger with other music associations to create Sonart at the end of 2017, the Swiss Musicians' Association (SMA) was featured in the Swiss Music Review, both online and in its print edition. This link takes you to its sub-page within the RMS and to all articles published online since 2013.


Michael Kaufmann

Board of Directors
Lukas Frei, Ursina Giger, Marianne Schuppe, Mathias Steinauer, Christophe Studer, Camille Sublet, Christoph Trummer, Marcel Vaid, Céline-Giulia Voser

Cécile Drexel, Geschäftsleiterin
Nick Werren, Administration und Services, Leiter Projekte Pop/Rock
Nina Rindlisbacher, Leiterin politische Projekte & juristischer Dienst
David Michaud, Administration und Kommunikation Romandie
Benedikt Wieland, Leiter Projekte Jazz
Jocelyne Rudasigwa, Leiterin Projekte Zeitgenössische Musik
Laura Thomann, Verantwortliche Kommunikation
Fabio Pinto, Administration und Kommunikation italienische Schweiz
Marlon McNeil, Leiter Projekte Film- und Medienmusik
T 031 511 52 60

Mailing address
Konradstrasse 61
8005 Zürich

Office for French-speaking Switzerland
11b, Avenue du Grammont
1007 Lausanne
T: 031 511 52 70