Rencontres romandes de recherche en éducation musicale
The sixth Rencontres romandes de recherche en éducation musicale will take place on May 15, 2013 at HEP-Fribourg.
The central theme of this study morning will be "Video in the training of future teachers". A lecture will be given by Francis Dubré, professor at Université Laval in Quebec City, entitled "Développer la pensée réflexive des futurs enseignants d'instrument par l'analyse vidéo". It will be followed by a discussion on the subject, complemented by a text by Cyrille Gaudin and Sébastien Charliès, "L'utilisation de la vidéo dans la formation professionnelle des enseignants novices", available on the L'Asrrem.
The end of the morning will be devoted to the presentation of two student works. For those who wish, a shared lunch is available.
The Rencontres will take place at HEP Fribourg, rue de Morat 26, from 9.15am to 12.30pm.
Information and registration: