Songwriting competition
The HEP Fribourg is launching a song contest to be performed by schoolchildren as part of its May 1st celebrations.

The May 1st song is one of Fribourg's long-standing musical traditions. The Haute Ecole Pédagogique de Fribourg, through its Documentation Center, aims to promote this tradition by producing educational material for schools. The primary objective is to enrich the choice of songs to be performed by children during this festival, hence the idea of launching a song-creation competition.
The competition is open to two categories of "composers": As the aim is to encourage musical creation by and for children, it is open to classes in Fribourg (kindergarten, primary, secondary 1 and 2). But any amateur or professional composer, Swiss or foreign, is welcome to enter. Compositions will be judged by a 5-person jury. The jury will select a maximum of 15 pieces and award ten prizes in the Fribourg classes category and five prizes in the individual composers category.
The works are intended for a cappella performance by a child or a group of children, so they must respect the tessitura of a children's song. The theme must reflect the springtime character of the songs performed at the May 1st Festival. The text, in French or Fribourg dialect, can be freely created by a class, an author or chosen from the existing poetic repertoire in the public domain.
The deadline for entries is November 30, 2013. Entries should be sent to: HEP Fribourg - Centre de documentation, May 1st Competition, Rue de Morat 36, 1700 Fribourg.
The prizes will be awarded at an official event in May 2014. The winning composers will be invited to this event.
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