Promoting music learning

On March 14, the Haute école pédagogique de Fribourg will be holding a one-day international symposium on the partnership between state schools and music schools in the learning of music.

Photo: HEP-FR

In September 2012, the Swiss people voted to introduce a new article (67a) into the Federal Constitution, establishing that the Confederation and cantons must encourage musical training in all its forms. This therefore amounts to requiring the political authorities in charge of education and culture to actively commit to the musical and cultural development of young people and the population.

At the same time, the main institutions responsible for music education are facing new challenges (in public schools: new curricula, definition of training standards, changes in the training of generalist and specialist teachers; in music schools: frequent drop-outs from instrumental studies, development of early instrumental teaching, increase in the population of adult and retired learners). All of this means that we need to redefine the music-educational missions of these two training streams (state schools and music schools), and consider the possibilities for cooperation between them to promote music learning for all.

Title Promoting music learning: how can public schools and music schools work together?This international colloquium will focus precisely on this issue, bringing together teachers, teacher trainers, heads of training institutions and courses, and educational researchers. It will bring together teachers, teacher trainers, heads of training institutions and courses, and educational researchers, and will begin with two speakers presenting experiences in other countries: Sarah Goldfarb, artistic and pedagogical director of REMUA in Brussels, and Felipe Radicetti, coordinator of the Pro-Musica parliamentary action group in Rio de Janeiro.

In the afternoon, participants will be invited to reflect together on original projects taking place in Switzerland, and to imagine scenarios that should enable the development of a creative and constructive partnership between the various institutions responsible for music education. A publication is planned following this international symposium.

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