Francophone music research in Tunisia
The next Journées francophones de recherche en éducation musicale will take place from December 10 to 12, 2015 in Tunis, Tunisia.
Theme of these meetings: musician-music teacher, what professions? What training? What are the challenges?
While in the past, musicians' professions were grouped into two main lines, that of instrumentalist-performer and that of teacher, the list of practitioners has expanded considerably, for a variety of reasons.
Developments in organology and new technologies (synthesizers, computers, etc.) have established aesthetic families which, far from preventing encounters, have given rise to new approaches to musical material. At the same time, the situation of the teacher has changed considerably, notably with all the research into educational sciences, psychology, project pedagogy, collective practices, creative approaches and many other practices.
In this fragmented context, what is the relationship between the profession of performing musician and that of music teacher? This formulation is already a way of inducing discussion, and is open to challenge.
The performing musician addresses an audience of listeners, the teaching musician an audience of apprentices. In both cases, the problem of training arises: where and how can we educate people who choose to come and listen to a concert, and who will not only be served the famous, stamped works of our heritage? Where and how can an arts education project be organized, enabling children and teenagers not only to "learn" music, but also to become "players" in it? How does the musician learn to be a cultural mediator within a global project?
Venues and registration
The symposium will take place at the Institut Supérieur de Musique and the Centre des Musiques Arabes et Méditerranéennes. The deadline for submission of proposals is November 1, 2015.
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