Student attention at the center of a symposium
The HEMs of Geneva (HEM) and Lausanne (HEMU), the Institut romand de pédagogie musicale (IRPM) and the Institut universitaire de formation des enseignants de l'Université de Genève (IUFE) are jointly organizing a symposium entitled "Développement et éducation de l'attention chez l'élève musicien". It will take place on November 2 and 3, 2018 in Geneva.
Attention and vigilance, concentration and mindfulness are crucial not only in age-old contemplative and artistic practices, but even more so in many educational projects. This theme is of particular interest to music education, because without attention, all learning and practice are devoid of meaning.
The problem of declining concentration is often mentioned by teachers. We live in an age of distraction, where attention has become a quasi-economic commodity. With the prolonged daily use of all kinds of electronic media, certain behaviors, attitudes and values of the "digital natives" have changed radically. This raises the question of how to understand the evolution of learning and the relevance of teaching traditions.
The program
- Plenary lectures, including Rebecca Shankland and Jean-Philippe Lachaux
- Research presentations in parallel sessions
- Practical workshops
- Newsgroups
These days are open to all interested parties. The detailed program will be announced shortly, and registrations will be available via the IRPM website: