I love music but I know nothing about it!

In Delémont, the Ecole Jurassienne et Conservatoire de Musique is organizing four workshops for complete music neophytes - in other words, "music for dummies"!

Nicolas Suter and Jacques Hostettler will love the body percussion workshop. Photo: Tchiki Duo

These activities will kick off at the end of February with the workshop "Le solfège... c'est quoi ce charabia? ... j'y comprends rien à ces dessins sur 5 lignes!". Héléana Syfrig, a teacher at EJCM, is a professional musician who has developed strategies and discovered many ways of understanding and enjoying solfeggio. She will be leading this group workshop on February 25, March 17 and March 31.

The second workshop will take place on March 10, 24 and April 7. Claire Michel de Haas will lead "Poser ma voix ... je dois parler en public, comment m'y prendre?" Claire Michel de Haas, who specializes in voice placement for spoken word and vocal range maintenance, and teaches at EJCM, will teach you how to speak in public.

On March 12, 19 and 26, Pauline Maurer will help all novices discover their ability to sing after daring to "do it". This third workshop is entitled "Oser chanter ... j'aimerais tellement, mais je n'ose pas... en plus je chante faux!"

Finally, on May 14 and 28 and June 4, the "Body percussion ... mon corps, cet instrument!" workshop will round off this first round of new workshops. Nicolas Suter and Jacques Hostettler, founders and musicians of Tchiki Duo, will tackle body percussion, a musical practice that involves producing melodies or rhythms using the body as a musical instrument.

Find out more: ejcm.ch

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