Raw and energetic
Lucerne duo Blind Butcher may be blind, but they're certainly not deaf. Their album "Albino" is due for release in mid-January.
Blind Butcher features Christian Aregger (guitar and vocals) and Roland Bucher (drums, bass pedal and vocals), who are also involved in the fine Pierre Omer project, Grey Mole and The Shit. The album Albinorecorded in Chicago with Steve Albini (Pixies, Nirvana, The Stooges...), is raw and energetic. The first track from this hyperactive album, due for release in mid-January 2014, takes the listener into an alternative electro-punk universe, at times psychedelic and still quite bluesy. Initially sounding like a throwback to the years that preceded new-wave, the album is then tinged with very current sounds, depending on the track. The effervescence that emerges, however, is falsely disheveled, and loses the listener a little after the enthusiasm of the first notes. The highly (overly?) developed, multi-directional tracks, though rhythmically sympathetic, tend to produce a scattered, disjointed effect. A slight youthful flaw, but one which has the merit of demonstrating the richness and density of the project, as well as the promising potential of the two instrumentalists. The live show is a real pleasure, as the duo explode with the madness promised by the album. In short, two good, crazy musicians who send energy and good sound in all directions. See them live on stage at the Rössli Bar in Bern on January 15!
Blind Butcher: Albino, Subversiv Records, 2014. www.blindbutcher.ch