At last, a fine Christmas present!
The commitment of each member of the Swiss Youth Choir transforms this recording of Christmas carols into pure joy.

Christmas and its poisoned gifts! Like every year, you're going to get that huge box of chocolate (you've decided to lose weight) that you're going to sell to Auntie Jeanne. Maybe you'll receive one of those gadgets that'll make you feel like you're on top of technology, when in fact it's perfectly useless. And you'll certainly receive one of the many recordings of Christmas carols offered by various choirs, a recording that will remain in its cellophane wrapping for 15 years... But, be careful, if you receive Da Nadal notgSwiss Youth Choir, take the time to listen to it with all the attention it deserves. Take the trouble? It will turn into happiness from the very first chord!
Every new recording by the Swiss Youth Choir (CSJ) is eagerly awaited. The latest release from this exceptional ensemble lives up to all expectations. In a program devoted exclusively to Christmas, Nicolas Fink's phalanx fascinates with the commitment of each of its choristers. This commitment creates a sound, a dynamic and a balance that never fails. The young singers display incredible flexibility, enabling the conductor to create the right moods, phrasing and colors for each style.
Freshness and simplicity join hands to serve up a few traditional Christmases redefined by interesting arrangements. Alongside historically informed early music (Cantone, Victoria) and Romantic pieces (Rheinberger, Mendelssohn), which impress with their palette of nuances, this CD gives pride of place to Swiss composers.
Gion Antoni Derungs, Caroline Charrière, Gonzague Monney, Carl Rütti and Cyrill Schürch have written scores that are all little jewels worth the detour. Delicate pages full of poetry that allow the choir to assert its many qualities. But above all, it's the Noël Nouveleta famous song from the end of the 15th century. Composer Valentin Villard has created an inventive, wonderfully written version, full of emotion and ideas. Not to be missed!
Da Nadal notg. Schweizer Jugendchor / Chœur Suisse des Jeunes / Coro Giovanile Svizzero, Leitung Nicolas Fink. Zytglogge ZYT 4373