A little-known lieder composer

René Perler sings Lieder by Lévi, Brahms, Duparc, Herzogenberg and Schumann with sensitivity and intelligence. The recording took place at the Villa Wahnfried, with Edward Rushton accompanying Lévi's idol, Richard Wagner, on his Steinway.

Hermann Lévi (1839-1900) is celebrated in the literature as one of the most important conductors of his time. A close friend of Brahms and then Wagner, whose Parsifal he conducted at the Bayreuth premiere, he was also a friend of Bruckner, a composer he took to heart to conduct. By contrast, Lévi is little known as a composer. The CD by bass-baritone René Perler and pianist Edward Rushton fills a gap.

The 10 or so Lieder recorded are pure jewels in the tradition of Schumann and Brahms. Edward Rushton's round, suspended tone envelops René Perler's clear diction to perfection. Following in the footsteps of Fischer-Dieskau, the singer brilliantly narrates the poems, coloring every word without ever lapsing into preciousness. Sensitivity and intelligence join hands: great art. René Perler and Edward Rushton rounded off these fine discoveries with Lieder by Brahms, Schumann and Heinrich von Herzogenberg. If this composer is somewhat celebrated by our oratorio choirs (Die Geburt ChristiMass in E minor, Todtenfeier, Passion...), these magnificent works for voice and piano are unfortunately not sufficiently featured in recital programs.

One might be surprised to see this CD end with melodies by Duparc. We must remember how much the French composer was a fervent admirer of Wagner, as was Lévi. And so it's only natural that four of these melodies should round off this fine recording, all the better for René Perler's faultless French diction.


Der letzte Gruss: Lieder by Hermann Levi, Johannes Brahms, Henri Duparc, Heinrich von Herzogenberg and Robert Schumann. René Perler, Bassbaritone; Edward Rushton, Piano. Prospero PROSP0018Image

Edward Rushton accompanies the lieder on Richard Wagner's Steinway.

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