Treatises on interpretation and phonetics

Editions Symétrie has recently published two fundamental works, authentic courses in interpretation.

The Český Krumlov opera house has orchestra stands built in 1765/6, preserved in their original state. Photo: VitVit/wikimedia commons

Vocal music cannot be approached without considering the subtle nuances of diction, which are all too often neglected these days. Approximate habits often replace basic knowledge and understanding. In this clear, pedagogically-written treatise on the phonetics of the sung French language, backed up by practical tables, Marie-Paule Hallard, a specialist in this field, details the correspondence between the grapheme and the pronunciation of each grapheme and phoneme, specifies the rules of accentuation and liaison, gives advice on how to improve vowel and consonant articulation, and offers the reader a summary of the principles of interpretation. Easy to use, this manual is an indispensable guide for all singers, for students, amateurs and professionals alike, whether or not they are native French speakers.


Alongside a career as a violist in renowned early music ensembles, Kai Köpp concentrates his research on the field of historical interpretation. His book on the practice of orchestral instrumentalists from the Baroque to Romanticism, published in German in 2009, has been excellently translated by violinist Fabien Roussel. Great importance is attached to bow strokes, whose organization and coordination remain essential for ensemble playing. An in-depth study of the different schools and their evolution through various sources offers possible answers to some basic questions linked to the musical performance of early repertoires: how did an instrumentalist play? What articulations were suggested by the indications (or lack of them) on his part? Fifteen examples, taken from works ranging from Lully to Wagner, allow us to apply the knowledge acquired in this abundant and fascinating theoretical corpus.


Marie-Paule Hallard: Le Français chanté, phonétique et aspects de la langue en chant classique, 108 p., € 27.00, éditions Symétrie, Lyon 2020, ISBN 978-2-36485-080-4

Kai Köpp: Historical, Baroque, Classical and Romantic Orchestral Practice, 384 pp,
€ 29.00, éditions Symétrie, Lyon 2019, ISBN 978-2-36485-051-4

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