Log in with your subscription number and surname to access all pages of the RMS website. Your subscription number can be found on the 4th cover page of the print edition, above your address.
Change of address
Please notify your new address by click on this link (change of address). Thank you very much!
Login only with new subscription numbers as of March 13, 2025
In autumn 2024, the RMS subscription database was updated. The subscription department had to assign new numbers. Until now, it was still possible to log in with the old subscription number, but from now on, login is only possible with the new number. The new number is linked to an address rather than a name, in order to avoid multiple mailings. There is now only one login per address: the subscription number and the subscriber's surname. The subscription number can be found on the back of the newspaper, top left, next to the address.
If you have any questions, please call 058 344 95 50 (subscriber service, German only) or 044 281 23 21 (Brunnen office, French).