Switzerland Diagonales Jazz 2013

Suisse Diagonales Jazz 2013 brings together 24 of the country's jazz venues to organize, from January 12 to February 17 2013, around 100 concerts with ten young Swiss bands selected for their originality and artistic potential.

The association responsible for the "Suisse Diagonales Jazz" (SDJ) festival offers the public an overview of the young contemporary jazz scene, and offers selected groups the lʼopportunity to perform in other linguistic regions of Switzerland.

The aims of Suisse Diagonales Jazz are to contribute to the development of the Swiss jazz scene, to encourage lʼéchange between the linguistic regions, to promote the up-and-coming regional jazz scene on a national level, to strengthen and maintain the intra-regional network of concert organizers, and to increase dʼavantage lʼ intérêt des médias et du public pour le travail de la jeune scène du jazz suisse dʼaujourdʼhui.

More info and concert program: www.diagonales.ch

Photo: Kamikaze, selected at SDJ 2013.

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