Grants for jazz and pop albums

Pro Helvetia now grants subsidies for the production of sound carriers in the jazz and pop fields.

Independent musicians, bands and labels from Switzerland can apply for a grant, which must cover the entire production of an album, including the development of a new repertoire, studio recording, mastering, physical and/or digital release and international distribution. The release must be assured by an independent label able to guarantee wide international distribution. A production is not eligible if it represents a first work. Decisions are taken by a jury.

In the event of a positive decision, the amount awarded is paid in part to the musicians and in part to the label for international promotion of the album.

Requests can be submitted twice a year, on March 1 and September 1. The chosen deadline must be at least four months before the planned discharge.

This promotional instrument combines the encouragement of jazz labels and the contributions to the creation of pop works previously in use.

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