Bursaries and Awards 2013

The Leenards Foundation has distributed its 2013 grants and awards to eleven artists. Among them, four musicians.

Lionel Rogg. Photo: Youtube

The Cultural Grants are awarded to artists in the process of achieving recognition, enabling them to carry out a major project and thus take a decisive step forward in their careers. This year's recipients are the musicians Elena Schwarz, conductor, André Gass, tenor, and Constantin Macherel, cellist and composer.

Organist Lionel Rogg receives a Prix Leenards in recognition of an exceptional career dedicated to particularly original forms of reflection and creation.

Pierre Wavre, chairman of the jury of specialists from various disciplines, underlines "the talent and passion with which the grant-holders have presented the projects they are about to embark on; the grants awarded will give them the opportunity to take a further step in their artistic development process".

Created through the generosity of Antoine and Rosy Leenaards and active in the cantons of Vaud and Geneva, the Foundation's mission is to serve the public interest by supporting innovative, high-quality projects in the scientific, social and cultural fields. In the latter area, in addition to its grants and prizes, the Foundation provides regular support to several major cultural institutions in Vaud and Geneva, as well as one-off funding for high-quality projects in a wide variety of artistic fields.

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