Successful exploration

The fourth edition of the Antifreeze Festival, which ran from February 1 to 16, 2014 in 17 Geneva Communes, draws to a close on a very positive note.

Keaton Henson. Photo: Sophie Harris Taylor

Some 28,000 spectators enthusiastically followed the festival's cultural exploration. For the first time this year, many shows were sold out before the festival opened. Antigel passed a milestone and firmly established itself in the cultural calendar of Geneva and French-speaking Switzerland. 47 shows found a home in 39 venues, 21 of which were previously unexplored.

Among the highlights of this year's edition were the suspended moments at Victoria Hall with the presence of legendary composer Philip Glass, the melancholy of Keaton Henson in the temple of Chêne-Bougerie and the soul of Cody Chesnutt resounding in the charter terminal of Geneva airport.

The future
Antigel is delighted with this edition and looks forward to continuing its development in collaboration with the canton's urban, suburban and rural communities, with the aim of visiting all 45 over the next three years. See you from January 25 to February 8, 2015.

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